Here’s the word count update you didn’t ask for.

My word count was off this month. L Not way off, but the added day job work (yay $$) took its toll on my writing. Not entirely unexpected but I was hoping to do better.

BUT! The good news (well, good news for writing) is that one day job project fell through (bye bye $$) so I am back to full timing it for December. It’s going to be a mad push as I try to ready a Holiday quicky (heh, see what I did) for a new box set. Racing against the clock with that one! Go. Go. Goooooo!

(My newsletter subscribers are getting the story for free. Want in? Join us!) 

So here’s what  I am working on: book four for LA Rock Star, the holiday short, and a new urban fantasy (maybe PNR? LMK if you have a preference) short for an anthology (woefully behind on this one). It’s a lot to write at once and moving from one story to the next is not as seamless as I hoped.

BUT! I am in love with the fourth rock star story. It’s bringing out all the feels. It had me sobbing while writing earlier this week.

Ugly cry. yell Right here.

Onward December!

In Love & Rock xoxo